Regency at Royal Armouries

Following a very successful ‘Tudor Fashion Show ‘ presented at the Royal Armouries in Leeds I am pleased to  announce that ‘Julia Renaissance Costumes’ has been booked again to present a number of costume events.

My events are to be included as part of the celebrations of the bi-centenary of the Battle of Waterloo which took place in 1815.

A display of my romantic Regency fashions from the time of Waterloo which will be on show in the galleries.

To compliment the display there will also be a number of costume presentations –

Regency Costume Display

Regency Costume Talk/Lecture with Display-

A very interesting, lively, humorous and informative lecture about the design and construction of my Regency period costumes. Five beautifully dressed mannequins will accompany the talk.  Included are an ornate gold-encrusted court gown inspired by Empress Josephine.  A very pretty white cotton afternoon dress fit for Jane Austen worn with bonnet, chemisette and spencer. Also included is  a sumptuous  lilac silk ball gown embellished with gold and lilac guipure lace worn with a turban, fan and gloves  – a stunning outfit fit for the Netherfield Ball! Regency underwear, A morning gown and accessories worn during this period will also be included. Not forgetting a personal appearance by a Regency Gentleman in frock coat, waistcoat and breeches!

My talk will be presented on Tuesday 26 May and will be repeated on Friday 29 May – times are to be confirmed.

I do hope you will join us.

For more information please click

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