A Renaissance Moment

I was very pleased to read the comment below about the Period Fashion Show I presented for the Womens Institute in Ponteland last August.

It is titled “A Renaissance Moment” and has been published on the Northumberland Women’s Institute website. It is in the section  “Winners and Stars” in which they share their ‘Star Performers’ and ‘Winning Moments.’ I really enjoyed reading it and I sure you will too.

“A fantastic evening was enjoyed by all, particularly Henry VIII – if the photo is anything to go by!

 This fabulous Federation event held in the United Reformed Church in Ponteland featured the talented Julia Soares-McCormick who displayed the beautiful Renaissance costumes handmade by herself,embellished with semi-precious stones and made of the finest materials. 

Her brief discussion of Tudor Codpieces raised an eyebrow or two, although Henry didn’t look too displeased and certainly did not call for the executioner!”

 Thank you for your excellent comment!

After my shows I always include an interesting, informative and humorous  question and answer session. This  can include both the history of the period and the design and construction of my costumes –  I am really pleased everyone enjoys them so much!

If you would like to read more about  ‘Winners and Stars’ included in the Northumberland Women’s Institute website please find the link below.


4 Responses to “A Renaissance Moment”

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  1. Fiona says:

    I really enjoyed reading the comment about your talk – hope I can attend one sometime.
    Thank you very much for the info about the Womens Institute.

  2. Belinda says:

    Thank you for this post – your talk sounds fun!

  3. Fiona says:

    I really enjoyed reading this – very amusing – your talks sound great!

  4. Raymond Briers says:

    A well written and informative post and humorous as well! It was a pleasure to read.

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